MedicAir Air Purifiers Now Available Through GSA in the United States

MedicAir Air Purifiers Now Available Through GSA in the United States
MedicAir, a leading provider of medical grade air purifiers, is proud to announce that it is now available to government agencies through the General Services Administration (GSA) in the United States.

The GSA is an independent agency of the federal government that helps manage and support the basic functioning of other federal agencies. As a GSA-approved vendor, MedicAir can now provide its high-quality air purifiers and supplies to government agencies at competitive prices.

"We are excited to be able to offer our products to government agencies through the GSA. We are committed to providing the best possible products and services to our customers and being a GSA-approved vendor allows us to do just that for government agencies across the country."
Dr Matthew Perkins, Managing Director of MedicAir

MedicAir offers a range of portable air purifiers that combine HEPA, Activated Carbon and UVC for powerful air cleaning. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality products and services at the most competitive prices.

Government agencies interested in purchasing MedicAir’s products can visit the GSA Advantage website to find more information on the products and services available.
For more information on MedicAir or to see a full list of products, please visit the company’s website at

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