Northampton Saints


Northampton Saints is a professional Rugby team based in Northampton that has achieved significant success over the years, including a European Cup win. As part of their commitment to providing a healthy environment for their players, Saints commissioned a report on the indoor air quality of their changing facilities at their home stadium, Franklin Gardens.

To address the need of an air quality assessment, Northampton Saints partnered with MedicAir, a British company founded by doctors with a track record of air purification and indoor air quality.

Northampton Saints

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Air quality monitors were placed in the changing facilities at Northampton Saints for a period of two weeks.

This time period included both training and home game days, giving a representative sample of the room usage and occupation. After the data was collected, three MedicAir Pro Max air purifiers were placed within the same space and turned on. Air quality data was then taken over another two week period, with care taken to ensure the same number of training and game days within the period.

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Summary before MedicAir deployment

- Baseline levels of PM2.5 were 20-30um/m3 which is three times the recommended levels by the World Health Organisation
- During period of high occupancy, the PM2.5 would increase significantly
- In pre-match periods, the PM2.5 increased to more than 999um/m3 (the highest the monitors would measure)
- These increases in PM2.5 were sustained and air quality was still dangerous at half time, when players came back in to the changing rooms
- These acutely high level of PM2.5 have a potential effect on player and staff safety and performance

Summary after MedicAir deployment

- Baseline levels of PM2.5 reduced to 4-6um/m3 (half of the recommended maximum)
- During peaks of high occupancy, increase in PM2.5 significantly reduced
- In pre-match period, maximum PM2.5 reduced from over 999um/m3 to only 278um/m3
- Duration of peak significantly reduced with PM2.5 back to safe levels within 12 minutes, meaning players re-entered a safe environment at half time
- These reduced levels of PM2.5 have long and short term benefits to health, risk and performance.

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Our units are custom-engineered for a multi-stage air purification process that
offers medical-grade protection

MedicAir Air Purifier X Northampton Saints Rugby