Air Purifier for Smoke: Find the Best Solutions for Clean Air in Your Home

air purifier for smoke

Have you ever walked into a room and noticed the lingering smell of smoke? It’s not just unpleasant and suffocating but also a threat to your health. While smoke from wildfires and cigarettes is more obvious, many types of smoke may circulate in our homes unnoticed. Smoke from fireplaces, cooking, candles, and even incense can release harmful particles into the air. These particles don’t disappear into thin air; they accumulate in the air, settle on surfaces, and pose health risks over time. 

Fortunately, an air purifier for smoke like our MedicAir Pro Mini can capture these microscopic pollutants and ensure that your indoor air remains clean and safe. In this article, we will understand why smoke is harmful, how our air purifiers can help deal with it, and how to choose the best air purifier for smoke


Why Is Smoke Harmful to Your Health?


Smoke brings more than just bad smells to our home. It contains more than 4,000 toxic chemicals that can settle on surfaces and linger for up to five hours. And you don’t necessarily have to smoke indoors for it to be a problem. These particles called PM 2.5 (particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns) can even be carried inside our homes from clothing and hair. They can penetrate our lungs, trigger asthma attacks, cause respiratory issues, and even lead to long-term health problems. 


How Does an Air Purifier for Smoke Help?


Air purifiers are designed to capture these microscopic particles from the air and prevent them from circulating in our homes. But not just any air purifier will do, you need one that has a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) 13/14 filter equipped with a carbon-activated layer and a high clean air delivery rate (CADR) like our MedicAir air purifiers

The HEPA 13/14 filter is a medical-grade filter designed to trap 99.7% of fine smoke particles down to 0.3 microns. Our MedicAir air purifiers combine a HEPA 13/14 filter with a carbon-activated layer and safe UV technology to improve the filtration efficiency to 99.99% and capture particles as small as 0.1 microns. Additionally, its high CADR (clean air delivery rate) of 410m³/h ensures smoke particles are effectively filtered out even across a large space. 


How to Choose the Best Air Purifier for Smoke?


Here are some factors you should keep in mind while selecting an air purifier for smoke:

1. HEPA filter and carbon-activated layer

As mentioned above, you need an air purifier that combines both a HEPA filter and a carbon-activated layer. The HEPA filter will help remove smoke particles, while the activated carbon layer will eliminate any odours or chemical vapours from the air. Our MedicAir Pro Mini, for instance, includes a HEPA 14 filter and a carbon-activated layer to neutralise both toxic compounds and smell.

2. Room size compatibility

It’s essential to choose an air purifier that matches the size of your room. You can know this by checking the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). A higher rating means faster and more efficient filtration. As a rule of thumb, the CADR of your air purifier should be equal to at least two-thirds of your room’s area. To get a correct estimate, you can use the MedicAir Product Finder on our website which helps determine the right air purifier for your needs. It can also calculate how many units you’ll need based on the dimensions of your room.

3. Air change rate

The air change rate determines how many times the air purifier can filter the air in a room per hour. If you or someone in your home actively smokes, look for an air purifier with a higher ACPH so it can filter the air more frequently and keep your living space smoke-free. You can also refer to our MedicAir Product Finder to determine the right air purifier and the recommended ACPH for your space.

4. Smart features

Some air purifiers also feature air quality sensors that automatically adjust the filtration speed depending on the level of smoke in the air. For instance, our MedicAir air purifiers leverage ReAKT technology, which intelligently detects airborne contaminants and automatically adjusts to improve air quality.  This ensures a consistently clean and safe environment without the need for manual adjustments. 

Key Takeaways

Smoke, whether from wildfires, cigarettes, or fireplaces, poses a significant threat to your health. Installing an air purifier for smoke can help remove smoke particles and odours, thereby improving your indoor air quality and safeguarding your health. Remember to choose a medical-grade air purifier with a HEPA 13/14 carbon-activated filter and safe UV tech like in our MedicAir air purifiers to keep the air in your home 99.99% clean, safe, and smoke-free.

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