Recommended: 3 air changes per hour
HealthcareRecommended: 10 air changes per hour
OfficeRecommended: 5 air changes per hour
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When it comes to indoor air quality, we often focus on pollutants from cooking or outdoor air, but one major source is right underfoot—our rugs and carpets. Every step you take on a carpet can release tiny particles back into the air, impacting your health.
Resuspension is a process where dust and particulate matter trapped in carpets are kicked back into the air with each footfall. These particles can reach breathing height and easily mix throughout the room, posing a significant health risk. This resuspension can elevate levels of PM 2.5, tiny particles that can enter deep into the lungs and bloodstream, contributing to heart and respiratory issues. Even plopping down on a sofa or shifting a blanket can trigger this dust explosion.
While carpets can make a home feel cosy, they also act as reservoirs for dust, allergens, and harmful chemicals like PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). These "forever chemicals" are linked to various health risks, including cancer and cardiovascular issues.
To combat these hidden dangers, MedicAir’s air purifiers are designed with advanced HEPA filters and activated carbon filters, specifically targeting airborne particles and harmful chemicals like VOCs and PFAS. Here’s how they can make a difference:
Keeping your home’s air clean goes beyond aesthetics—it's crucial for your health. Whether it’s using a quality vacuum, adopting a no-shoes policy, or investing in a MedicAir purifier, these steps can significantly improve your indoor air quality.
For more information on how MedicAir can help improve your indoor environment, visit our website.
The health risks of air pollution are too significant to ignore but with awareness and the right tools, you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Medical-grade air purifiers like MedicAir come into play. So, let’s understand how Norovirus spreads through the air and how MedicAir air cleaner can be your defence against such airborne viruses.
Arm yourself with knowledge, embrace the power of prevention and invest in MedicAir air purifiers to protect the ones you hold dear.